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Tuesday 9 May 2023

Location:     Beckwithshaw Village Hall

Present:         Councillors – Cllr D Spence (Chairman), Cllr A Ellis, Cllr J Parish, and Cllr

Mr S Swires.

Parish Clerk – Mrs J H Galloway.

                    2 Members of the public were present.

                    Following the Annual Meeting the meeting commenced at 7.45pm

1        Apologies                                  Cllr M David, Cllr Mrs S Swires and Cllr N Hull.

2        Declarations of Interest             None.

3        Exempt Information                     None.

4        Minutes of the meetings held on 11 April 2023  

Approval of the Minutes of the Parish (Open) Meeting was proposed by Cllr Ellis, seconded by Cllr Parish and signed by the Chairman.

Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting was proposed by Cllr Parish, seconded by Cllr Mr S Swires and signed by the Chairman.

Matters Arising


Agenda Item 7 – Cllr Hull will send to the PC details of the Highways contact about the

footpath to the Cricket Club.

5        Urgent Business    –        Bench – Still in negotiation with Persimmon (Charles Church, re

the siting of bench.

                                                            Defib –  Defib and cabinet purchased. Negotiating the

exact positioning at the Squinting Cat with Green King.

Coronation – Commemorative Mugs were distributed to the children at Beckwithshaw School by Cllr Spence.

Adoption of Standing Orders –  It was proposed by Cllr Parish and seconded by Cllr Spence that the North Yorkshire Standing Orders be adopted by the Parish Council. Carried by all.

Wish List – 

  1. a)Revival of the ‘Rural Footpath’ from village to the

Cricket Club.

  1. b)Notice Board at entrance of the Charles Church


  1. c)Pedestrian Crossing.
  2. d)Repair/replace bench at Beckwith Head.
  3. e)Repair Bench in Copse.
  4. f)New Notice Board at Village Hall (for PC and

BVH notices)

  1. g)Replace Queen’s Jubilee Tree sign.
  2. h)Formulate rules for issuing grants.

6        Finances       The bank balances at 9 May were reported to the Parish Council:

                    Business Current Account                                                              £1,891.09

                    Business Money Manager (Deposit Account)                                  £7,468.10


          Clerk to investigate the possibility of a ‘Debit Card’ for some payments. – ongoing.


Bank Mandate needs updating with new signatures – next meeting.

          Payments include    J H Galloway Deb cost                                  £2,365.20


          Receipts include      1st half precept from NYC                               £3,827.50

                                        Grant towards Defib                                      £1,500.00

Insurance renewal           Insurers notified of increase in Precept, revised insurance fee

is £264.00.   

Approved for payment       Proposed by Cllr Mr S Swires

                              and Seconded by Ellis.



Year End accounting       Internal Audit has been carried out by Cllrs Spence and Parish.

Receipts and Payments Account and Bank Reconciliation


          The approval of the Receipts and Payments Account and Bank Reconciliation for the

          year ending 31 March 2023 was proposed by Cllr Ellis, seconded by Cllr Mr S Swires and

agreed by all.

The Accounts were signed by the Chairman and Clerk.

Asset Register has been reviewed.

          Annual Return.   Deadline date 29 June 2023

  1. a)       Exemption Certificate. 

The Certificate was completed, approval was proposed by Cllr Ellis and seconded

by Cllr Parish, carried by all, and signed by the Chairman and Clerk.

The signed Certificate to be forwarded to the External Auditors.

  1. b)Annual Governance Statement.


The statement was completed, approval was proposed by Cllr Mr S Swires and

seconded by Cllr Spence, carried by all, and signed by the Chairman and Clerk.

  1. c)       Accounting Statement. 


The statement was completed, approval was proposed by Cllr Ellis and

seconded by Cllr Mr S Swires carried by all and signed by the Chairman and Clerk.


7        North Yorkshire Councillor


8        Planning Matters   Decisions


23/00860/FUL                                                             Granted Subject to Conditions

Proposed Detached Single Storey Garage at Snell House Farm, Otley Road (Mr R Fearnley)



            Fell T8 (Beech) and T1 (Alder) and replace with same at Long Lane House, Beckwith Head Road

            (Mrs Anna Byron)

“The Parish Council does not objection to or support the application but will support the

professional decision of Council’s Arboricultural Officer on this application.”

9        Local Plan             Cllr Spence to attend a meeting on 17 May re ‘Otley Road Corridor




10      Traffic and Highways       Email received from a resident on Whinney Lane re blocked

gullies again. Report via Parish Portal and forward to Cllr Hull.



Problems can be reported to North Yorkshire on the following webpage:

11      Copse and Grass cutting           Contract with Chevin Landscapes agreed at £605.00

plus VAT.

                              Reminder June meeting commences in the copse.




12      Correspondence              None.

13      Councillors Questions    None.



14      Date & Time of next meeting:     At 7.30pm     Tuesday 13 June 2023 starting in the


                                                            and               Tuesday 18 July 2023

                                                                                Tuesday 12 September 2023

                                                                                Tuesday 10 October 2023

                                                                                Tuesday 21 November 2023

                    Please make note of dates. All are booked in the village hall.

The meeting closed at 9.30pm

Please check the website for further information –





No. Action Responsibility
1 Reclaim VAT – ongoing Clerk
2 Broadband, continuous Cllrs Spence and Ellis
3 Speed on Lady Lane, Data Loggers Cllr David
4 Parish needs for Traffic Management Cllrs Spence, Ellis and David
5 Contact Highways – ongoing Clerk
6 Extract data from Traffic sign – ongoing Clerk


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