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Tuesday 14 February 2023

Location:     Beckwithshaw Village Hall

Present:         Councillors – Cllr D Spence (Chairman), Cllr Mrs S Swires, Cllr J Parish,

and Cllr N Hull.

Parish Clerk – Mrs J H Galloway.

                    2 Members of the public were present.

1        Apologies    Cllr M David, Cllr A Ellis and Cllr V Oldham.

2        Declarations of Interest             None.

3        Exempt Information                     None.

4        Minutes of the meetings held on 10 January 2023  

Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting was proposed by Cllr Parish, seconded by Cllr Spence and signed by the Chairman.

5          Urgent Business       –          The Parish Council Vacancy, Cllr Mr Steven to complete

Declaration of Interest etc forms.

Bench – Charles Church written to about placing the bench at

the entrance to their development.

VAS – Continue to seek funding.

Grass Cutting – Verge cutting by NYC, ask Chevin Landscapes

for a quote. NYC may grant £115.00 towards cost.


Draft Parish Charter – Cllrs Spence and Parish to investigate

for next month’s meeting.

Defib Grant –  More info needed, as per grant form, go ahead if

agreement received.

Newsletter and Litter Pick – Litter Pick on 25 March at

10.00am, meeting in Village Hall Car Park.

Coronation – Budget of £200, proposed by Cllr Sally

Swires, seconded by Cllr Parish

Wish List –  Consider items to be included, eg: Renewal of

Rural Footpath to Cricket Ground.

6        Finances       The bank balances at 14 February 2023 were reported to the Parish Council:

                    Business Current Account                                                              £1,687.03

                    Business Money Manager (Deposit Account)                                  £5,451.85


          Clerk to investigate the possibility of a ‘Debit Card’ for some payments.



7 & 8  County and District Councillors – The council tax will increase by 4.99%.

                                                                 Meeting to be held to set up Constitution of new


9        Planning Matters    Decisions


            22/04879/FUL                                                 Granted Subject to Conditions

            Single storey rear extension at Hill Top View, Hill Top Lane, (Mr Simon Belcher)

            22/04781/TPO                                                Granted Subject to Conditions

            Work to T1(Scots Pine), T2(Copper Beech), T3 and T4(Sycamores) at Beech House, Moor

Park,  Beckwithshaw (Mrs S Lund)



            Prior notification for conversion of agricultural buildings to 1 dwelling and annex at

            Beckwith Barn, Beckwith (Jenny Cairns)

                        The Parish Council has no objections


            Erection of two storey extension to side/rear at Thackray House, Moor Park (Lois Manton)

                        The Parish Council has no objections


Erection of a proposed storage building on land to the west of the garden area of Bradbury

House at Bradbury House, Moor Park (Mrs Deborah Manton)

            The Parish Council has no objections


                        Tree works in Copse, land belonging to Beckwithshaw Parish Council at junction of B6161

and B6162.

            The Parish Council supports the application

10      Local Plan  Nothing Changed the Local Plan will be reviewed under the new

council, but the existing plan will remain in place till then.

The West of Harrogate Group has written to North Yorkshire and

will be contacted in the future.

11      Traffic and Highways       Work to replace the Double Yellow Lines outside the Village Hall

Is still awaited.

On the road to Beckwith (HG3 1QQ) there are several large areas of

Flooding and potholes.

Clerk to attend Highways workshop and Cllrs Spence and Parish to

attend a meeting via Teams.

Problems can be reported to North Yorkshire on the following webpage:

12      Copse and Grass cutting           Parish Council to review signage etc. with a ‘Walk About’

(18/01/2023) in the village area, for discussion next month.

                                                            Quotes re verge grass cutting etc. needed.

                                                            Several road signs need attention, several signs

obscured, a 30mph sign is faded, weight limit sign is blocked.

13      Correspondence              NYC  – Climate Control. For discussion and inclusion of a link

In the newsletter.

14      Councillors Questions    None.

15       Date & Time of next meeting:    At 7.30pm     Tuesday 14 March 2023

                                                                                Tuesday 11 April 2023 Parish and PC

                                                                                Tuesday 9 May 2023 Annual and PC

The meeting closed at 9.45pm

Please check the website for further information –



No. Action Responsibility
1 Reclaim VAT – ongoing Clerk
2 Broadband, continuous Cllrs Spence and Ellis
3 Speed on Lady Lane, Data Loggers Cllr David
4 Parish needs for Traffic Management Cllrs Spence, Ellis and David
5 Contact Highways – ongoing Clerk
6 Extract data from Traffic sign – ongoing Clerk




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