Tuesday 11 April 2023
Location: Beckwithshaw Village Hall
Present: Councillors – Cllr D Spence (Chairman), Cllr A Ellis, Cllr M David, Cllr J Parish, Cllr
Mr S Swires, Cllr Mrs S Swires and Cllr N Hull.
Parish Clerk – Mrs J H Galloway.
1 Member of the public were present.
Following the Open Meeting the meeting commenced at 8.10pm
1 Apologies None.
2 Declarations of Interest None.
3 Exempt Information None.
4 Minutes of the meetings held on 14 March 2023
Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting was proposed by Cllr Parish, seconded by Cllr Steven Swires and signed by the Chairman.
5 Urgent Business – Bench – Email received from Persimmon Charles Church, the
siting of bench passed to their technical department.
Defib Grant – Grant Approved. Negotiating the positioning of
defib at the Squinting Cat. Equip to be ordered.
Newsletter and Litter Pick – 250 Newsletters delivered, only
35 needed to be posted.
Litter Pick was held on 25 March at 10.00am, starting in Village
Hall Car Park. Only 7 persons volunteered. Litter Picking Policy
needs to be reviewed as the roads are getting extremely
dangerous – cars not slowing down, even when volunteers are wearing Hi Viz jackets. 10 bags of rubbish, 1 piece of guttering, 1 plastic pipe and 1 Metal clothes post were collected on the day. 4 more bags collected by Cllr Ellis on 30 March
Coronation – 72 mugs have been ordered for distribution to
School Children.
6 Finances The bank balances at 31 March 2023 were reported to the Parish Council:
Business Current Account £ 933.32
Business Money Manager (Deposit Account) £5,456.24
Clerk to investigate the possibility of a ‘Debit Card’ for some payments. – ongoing.
Bank Mandate needs updating with new signatures.
Payments include Clerk’s Salary £542.95
Clerk’s Tax £135.80
Clerks Expenses £170.76
Needs approval Beckwithshaw Village Hall – Room Hire £350.00
Prop Cllr Ellis Sec Cllr Mr Swires
TP Jones – Salary Calculation Fees £ 79.20
Prop Cllr Mr Swires Sec Cllr David
Clerk’s final Expenses £ 63.80
Prop Cllr Spence Sec Cllr Ellis
Year end accounting Accounts have been prepared and need an internal audit.
Insurance renewal Insurers to be contacted re increase in precept amount which
is used for calculation of fee.
7 North Yorkshire Councillor
The Transition to Unitary is taking place. All old web addresses
can still be used and will redirect to new.
8 Planning Matters Decisions
23/00385/FUL Permission Refused
Erection of a proposed storage building on land at Bradbury House, Moor
Park (Mrs D Manton)
23/00568/TPO Granted Subject to Conditions
Lateral reduction to a Beech Tree TPO 34/1995 at Parish Council Land at junction
of B6161 and B6162 in Beckwithshaw (Beckwithshaw Parish Council)
23/00781/PBR and 23/00793/PBR Granted Subject to Conditions
Prior notification for conversion of agricultural buildings to 1 dwelling and annex at
Beckwith Barn, Beckwith (Jenny Cairns)
Proposed detached single storey garage at Snell House Farm, Otley Road (Mr Robert
The Parish Council does not object to or support the application but wishes to make
comments or safeguards as set out below:
“That the temporary second entrance be blocked up as no planning permission has been granted.”
Erection of double garage and stable block and enlargement of domestic curtilage at Central House Farm (DAB Developments
The Parish Council has no objections
9 Local Plan Local group still in contact re plans locally
10 Traffic and Highways Clerk still waiting for Highways to forward the slide show
information for report.
Problems can be reported to North Yorkshire on the following webpage:
11 Copse and Grass cutting Quote requested from Chevin Landscapes.
12 Correspondence A letter received from a resident thanking the Parish Council
for all the work they do to support the community. Chairman to reply.
13 Councillors Questions A question of who owns fencing was asked. Looking at the Land
Registry Records was recommended.
14 Date & Time of next meeting: At 7.30pm Tuesday 9 May 2023 Annual and PC
Tuesday 13 June 2023
Tuesday 18 July 2023
Tuesday 12 September 2023
Tuesday 10 October 2023
Tuesday 21 November 2023
The meeting closed at 9.30pm
Please check the website for further information – www.beckwithshaw.org
No. | Action | Responsibility |
1 | Reclaim VAT – ongoing | Clerk |
2 | Broadband, continuous | Cllrs Spence and Ellis |
3 | Speed on Lady Lane, Data Loggers | Cllr David |
4 | Parish needs for Traffic Management | Cllrs Spence, Ellis and David |
5 | Contact Highways – ongoing | Clerk |
6 | Extract data from Traffic sign – ongoing | Clerk |