11 September 2023
Location: Beckwithshaw Village Hall
Present: Councillors – Cllr D Spence (Chairman), Cllr A Ellis, , Cllr Mr S Swires, Cllr Mrs S
Swires and Cllr N Hull.
Parish Clerk – Mrs J H Galloway.
2 Members of the public were present.
1 Apologies Cllr J Parish and Cllr M David.
2 Declarations of Interest Cllr Ellis declared an interest in planning item
ZC23/03061/FUL. This item will be discussed at end of
meeting when Cllr Ellis has left the premises.
3 Exempt Information None.
4 Approval of previous minutes –
Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 18 July 2023 was proposed by Cllr Mrs S Swires, seconded by Cllr S Swires and signed by the Chairman.
5 Urgent Business – Defibrillator at Squinting Cat and Smiths Arms.
The Squinting Cat is awaiting their electrical contractor to
install the defibrillator, Cllr Spence to follow up.
Jon Bryant has requested that he be replaced as the
overseer of the defib at the Smiths Arms. The Parish
Council thanks him for looking after it. Information will be
sought as to the exact duties so that a replacement can be
Grants – Working with Organisations Ongoing.
Bench – siting of, on Otley Road Awaiting delivery
of bench (Nov 2023) and contact with the
site management.
Notice Board – Grant application refused. Apply to other
Commuted Sums – Approx £41,000 to be spent before
2031 (Cricket Field, Otley Road)
Can any of this amount be diverted to
the current Beckwithshaw Cricket
6 Finances
– The bank balances at 11 September 2023 were reported to the Parish
Business Current Account £770.97
Business Money Manager (Deposit Account) £6,507.29
Clerk to investigate the possibility of a ‘Debit Card’ for some payments. – ongoing.
Bank Mandate requires extra sign and will be passed to HSBC.
Prior Approval to pay Clerk’s Salary £543.15
and tax £135.60
Approved by Cllr Spence and Cllr Mrs S Swires, all in favour.
NJC pay award not yet approved – possible increase of £275 pa to Clerk’s Salary.
Next quarter’s Audit – Cllr Spence and Cllr Mrs S Swires at 7.00pm before next PC
7 North Yorkshire Councillor 20mph speed limits are being set up outside
Harrogate Schools, but not in rural Areas yet. There is a 6 month wait for statutory
legislation to take place. Cllr Hull gave the contact details of the new Highways
New contact for Community Emergency Plan received. Plan needs annual review.
8 Planning Matters – This item was discussed at the end of the meeting.
ZC23/02206/LB Granted subject to conditions
To replace window at Court House, Moor Park, Beckwithshaw (C/O agent).
ZC23/02123/FUL Granted subject to conditions
Replacement of roof covering for Solar Panel to existing cottage, installation of solar panels to planted roof on existing single storey extension. Installation of ASHP unit in place of oil tank and installation of 2 windows to gable at 3 Springhill Cottages (Mr and Mrs Rietschel).
ZC23/02257/CLOPUD Refused
Application of external cladding at Leckhampton House, Hill Top Lane (Mr M Welsh).
ZC23/02256/ FUL Granted subject to conditions
Storey side extension (revised scheme 18/04990/FUL) etc Leckhampton House, Hill Top Lane (Mr M Welsh)
ZC23/02029/FUL Withdrawn
Erection of first floor extension and formation of roof terrace at Delauney House, Moor Park (Mr and Mrs Bruce).
Demolition of domestic stores and erection of commercial therapy studio at Beckwith
Farm, Beckwith (Mr M Jeffries) Prior response made:-
The Parish Council does not object to or support the application but wishes to make a comment that the narrow and uneven access road from the junction of Lady Lane, Beckwith Head Road and Howhill Quarry Road needs improvement to allow for existing and increased traffic use.
Demolition of 2 agricultural barns and erection of one dwelling at Beckwith Barn,
Beckwith (Jenny Cairns)
The Parish Council does not object to or support the application but wishes to make a comment that the narrow and uneven access road from the junction of Lady Lane, Beckwith Head Road and Howhill Quarry Road needs improvement to allow for existing and increased traffic use.
Prior notification for change of use from agricultural to commercial flexible use at
Central House Farm (DAB Developments)
The Parish Council does not object to or support the application but wishes to make a comment that the narrow and uneven access road from the junction of Penny Pot Lane would need improvement for existing and increased usage.
Possible Breach of planning control (Extension of domestic curtilage) at Braithwaite
Barn, Beckwith
Single storey extension and two storey side extension at The Mistal, Higher Shaw
Farm (Mr Robert Hiley)
Cllr A. Ellis declared a pecuniary interest and this item was discussed at the end of the meeting after Cllr Ellis had left the premises.
The Parish Council does not object to or support the application but wishes to make a comment that there are some concerns about loss of light to the neighbouring property.
9 Local Plan It was reported that there are plans for a new roundabout
and a pedestrian crossing in the village, but other
infrastructure concerns were dismissed. Another meeting
on 26 September 2023.
10 Traffic and Highways There is a safety problem on the B6162 near to the mini
roundabout. The gaps in the grass verges indicate that
there are two possible crossing points, but the one nearest
to the roundabout is unsafe as it is too close and proper
judgement cannot be made. Suggest it is removed.
Another request for the double yellow lines outside the
Village Hall be replaced to be made.
Problems can be reported to North Yorkshire on the following webpage:
11 Copse and Grass cutting An autumnal review is needed of work required.
12 Correspondence None.
13 Councillors Questions None.
14 Dates and time of next meetings at 7.30pm – Monday 9 October 2023
Monday 20 November 2023
Monday 8 January 2024
Monday 12 February 2024
Monday 11 March 2024
Monday 8 April 2024
Monday 13 May 2024
Please make note of new dates. All are booked in the village hall.
The meeting closed at 10.15pm
Please check the website for further information – www.beckwithshaw.org
No. | Action | Responsibility |
1 | Defibrillator – Contact Squinting re installation | Cllr Spence |
2 | Defibrillator – Source Demo | Cllrs |
3 | Commuted Sums – follow up | Cllr Parish |
4 | Grant form – examples | Cllr Parish |
5 | Bench – Contact Persimmon Homes | Clerk (Copy to Cllr Ellis) |
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