MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON Tuesday 19 October 2021


Location:     Beckwithshaw Village Hall


Present:         Councillors – Cllr D Spence, Cllr A Ellis, Cllr T Muirhead, Cllr M David, Cllr Ms J

Parish, and Cllr Mrs S Swires.   


Parish Clerk – Mrs J H Galloway.


                    0 Members of the public was present.



1.       Apologies:   Cllr Miss V Oldham.



2.       Declaration of Interest:    None.



3.       Exempt Information:       Item 16 of this meeting was held in exempt session

as it concerns information relating (to an (individual) (to individuals) under

paragraphs 1, 2 & 3 of schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972

as amended. Therefore the public will be excluded from this part of the

                              meeting due to the sensitive nature of the item under discussion. Exempt

Information will be kept separate and will not be released for Public scrutiny.



4.       Minutes of the meetings held on 21 September Parish Council Meeting  


Approval of the Minutes of the above Parish Council Meetings was proposed by Cllr David, seconded by Cllr Muirhead and signed by the Chairman.



5.       Urgent Business:             a.       The two Parish Council Vacancies have now been filled,

Cllr Ms J Parish and Cllr Mrs S Swires given the adoption papers to sign.



b.       No response yet from developer re the possible funding

          of a new defibrillator.

          Instructions on how to use a defibrillator to be finalised.

          A demonstration to be set up.


                                                  c.       Newsletter to include – new councillors, defibrillator

instructions and demonstration date.


d.       A few litter pickers retained from the last litter (B6161

          from roundabout towards Killinghall)


6.         Finances:   The bank balances at 19 October 2021 were reported to the Parish Council:


                    Community Account                                                            £2,495.17

                    Money Manager (Deposit Account)                                      £6,435.54



          Second half of precept received             £2,550.00

          VAT refund received                              £1,296.62


Still researching possible alternative Banking arrangements.


Paperwork received and completed re extended warranty on traffic sign. Awaiting

validation of warranty and then invoice (£900.00).


Parish Precept Request due 14/1/22.



7.       County Councillor’s Report:      None.




8.       District Councillor’s Report:      None.




9.       Planning:    


                              21/03635/FUL                             Granted Subject to Conditions

                              Conversion of existing double garage to form art studio and gym room at

The Old Barn, Moor Park (Mr Mike Atwell)

21/03704/PNA                  Refused Permission

Reinstate farm track to provide access at Whin Hill Farm, Haverah Park

(Mr R Swires)



                              21/03357/PBR                  Withdrawn

                              Prior notification for conversion of agricultural building to form one dwelling

at Wildside Barn, Otley Road (Sarah Parkin)





Erection of single storey freestanding oak framed garden shelter with attached

log store at The Bothy, Moor Park (Mr Nelson)


The Parish Council has no objections.




10.     Local Plan             Parameters Plan still not completed.




11.      Traffic and Highways:     Parish Portal           Still waiting action on hedge trimming.


                                                                                Drains in the village have been cleared.


                                                  The data logger has been in situ for a week, awaiting the

information. A meeting to be arranged.


The Parish Council supports the “20 is plenty” campaign.



12.   Copse and Grass Cutting:           Request the grass cutting schedule from NYCC Area 6.


                                                            The Platinum Jubilee 2022. Plant an oak tree in the verge

                                                            opposite the Shaw Lane junction. Also plant this years

bulbs in the same verge, to fill in gaps.


13.  Correspondence:     


i)        Email from Mrs K Wilson re signage etc on Otley Road.


ii)        Newsletters and e-mails forwarded to councillors.



14.  Councillors Questions:       Cllr Muirhead to send in resignation.



15. Date & Time of next meeting:         Tuesday 23 November 2021 at 7.30pm and

                                                            Tuesday 11 January 2022 at 7.30pm and

                                                            Tuesday 8 February 2022 at 7.30pm and

                                                            Tuesday 8 March 2022 at 7.30pm and

                                                            Tuesday 12 April 2022 at 7.30pm and

                                                            Tuesday 10 May 2022 at 7.30pm.



16. Exempt Session – Clerks Salary:


All members of the Public and the clerk left the meeting. Exempt information

minutes will be kept separate and will not be released for public scrutiny.




Please check the website for further information – www.beckwithshaw.org














VAT refund received



Broadband, continuous

Cllrs Muirhead and



Speed on Lady Lane, Data Loggers

Cllr David


Parish needs for Traffic Management

Cllrs Spence, Ellis

and David


Contact Highways - ongoing



Extract data from Traffic sign - ongoing



Key for traffic sign
