Location:     Beckwithshaw Village Hall


Present:         Councillors – Cllr D Spence, Cllr A Ellis, Cllr T Muirhead, Cllr M David,

Cllr Mrs J Ryder, Cllr S Lumley and Cllr Miss V Oldham.

Parish Clerk – Mrs J H Galloway.


                    3 Members of the public were present.



Commencing in the Copse at 7.45pm, then continued in the Village Hall.




1.       Apologies:                       None.



2.       Declaration of Interest:    None.



3.       Exempt Information:       None.



4.       Minutes of the meetings held on 16 May 2019.


Approval of the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 16 May 2019 was proposed by Cllr Muirhead, seconded by Cllr David and signed by the Chairman.


Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 16 May 2019 was proposed by Cllr Ellis, seconded by Cllr Mrs Ryder and signed by the Chairman.



5.       Matters arising not dealt with elsewhere:      The application for a grant has been sent to

the Knabbs Ridge Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund, the panel meets on 27 June

and successful applicants will be notified thereafter.



6.       Traffic Working Party Report:   

The group are awaiting further action following the closure of the Beckwithshaw Speed Watch. Awaiting response from Highways re speed bumps and other traffic calming measures.





7.         Urgent Business:  


a) Bus Parking                            Waiting for further report from PCSO Lucy Walker.



b) Parish Councillor                     Received notification from Harrogate Borough

                                                  Council that a co-option can be made.

                              It was proposed by Cllr Ellis and seconded by Cllr Muirhead that

Mr Jim Gordon be co-opted as Parish Councillor.



c) Litter Issues                            A letter has been sent to Charles Church re the

litter from their building site on Otley Road.



d) Speeding on Lady Lane           Data Loggers not yet installed.         



e) Broadband                              Cllrs Spence and Ellis liaising with Harrogate

                                                  Borough Council re new options with Virgin and

Open Reach                    



8.       County Councillor’s Report:      North Yorkshire now clarifying the protocol for flashing

speed signs. Highways will set the locations for the sign after applying

for them. The Kex Gill Steering group have adopted a route for the new

road and the planning application will be submitted – aims to be open in

2021. The Allerton Park Incinerator is now fully functional. There is an

increase in the fees for school transportation for post 16’s.



9.       District Councillor’s Report:      Harrogate Trade Waste is competitive compared to

others. Information is being circulated about the UCI Cycle races which

take place in September.



10.     Planning Matters:           



19/01127/FUL                             Approved Subject to Conditions

                    Erection of detached garage at Shawfield Barn, Shaw Lane (Mr Parr)





11.   LDF Update:             Consultation will begin next month for the changes advised by

the Inspector.  




12.   Finance:                            

          The bank balances at 13 June 2019 were reported to the Parish Council:


                    Community Account                                                            4,275.00

                    Money Manager (Deposit Account)                                      1,432.54




                    Approval required and Cheque signed for:-

                              Simon Crossley Landscapes Ltd                      £312.00

                              (This is for 4 cuts and 1 verge trim)

                    Copy of Simon Crossley’s Insurance received.[PC1] 



13.  Highways:       See item 5.


                              Still trying to access the NYCC Parish Portal.



14.  Correspondence:     


i)       ICO                                  Data Protection Certificate received.

ii)     Newsletters and e-mails forwarded to councillors.



15.  Update on the Copse:         The Parish Council commenced this meeting in the copse to

decide action to be taken.

i)        Area requires a light strimming

ii)        Bases of Lime trees requires trimming. (Up to 6 ft high)

iii)       Paved area needs clearing and weed killing.


It was suggested that Community Payback be contacted for the above work,

then ask Horticap and Simon Crossley for quotes



16. Councillors Questions:        None.



17. Date & Time of next meetings:       Thursday 18 July 2019

                                                  and     Thursday 12 September 2019

                                                  and     Thursday 10 October 2019

                                                  and     Thursday 14 November 2019



The meeting closed at 9.20pm



Please check the website for further information – www.beckwithshaw.org











Review Signage

Cllr Spence


Broadband, continuous

Cllrs Spence and



Knabb’s Ridge funding

Application submitted


Speed on Lady Lane, Data Loggers

Cllr David


Letter to Building Site sent

Clerk and Chairman







