Location:     Beckwithshaw Village Hall


Present:         Councillors – Cllr D Spence, Cllr A Ellis, Cllr T Muirhead, Cllr Mrs J Ryder (arrived Later), Cllr M David, Cllr Ms L Barovic and Cllr Miss V Oldham.

Parish Clerk – Mrs J H Galloway.


                    5 Members of the public were present.



1.       Apologies:    Cllr S Lumley.


2.       Declaration of Interest:    Cllr Ms Barovic in item 10, Planning Application 19/00665. This item was discussed after Cllr Ms Barovic had left at the end of the meeting.


3.       Exempt Information:       None.


4.       Minutes of the meeting held on 14 February 2019.


Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 14 February 2019 was proposed by Cllr Muirhead, seconded by Cllr Ms Barovic and signed by the Chairman.


5.       Matters arising not dealt with elsewhere:      None


6.       Traffic Working Party Report:    Speed warning banners, kindly donated by Councillors, have been placed on the roundabout and the land opposite Shaw Lane junction with the B6161.

The Speedwatch had team ventured out once in the past month and were encouraged in their efforts by a passing police camera van.  A letter has also been received from the Speedwatch headquarters in Northallerton indicating that the 95 Alive panel have decided that the most suitable course of action to pursue in the area around Shaw Lane Junction is ‘Safety Camera enforcement and they will be looking for a suitable place to site a camera vehicle.  (The Parish Council agreed that the Parish Council land opposite the junction could be used for this purpose).

Traffic had been watched with regard to vehicles ignoring the 7.5 tonnes weight restriction on Shaw Lane but nothing had been seen. The Nidderdale Safer Neighbourhoods Group had provided some information regarding a ‘Lorry Watch’ scheme, details of which to be forwarded to Cllrs. Spence and Ellis.

Large traffic on Pot Bank had once again been stopped for a day by a very large broken down tanker on the bridge. 





7.         Urgent Business:  


a) Newsletter:                              Litter Pick to take place on 13 April.

                                                  Newsletter to be distributed


b) Emergency Plan:                     Revised plan sent to Ian Speirs.


c) Bus Parking                             A response is awaited from Harrogate Borough

Council, a reminder to be sent.


d) Projector                                 In contact with Harrogate Borough Council re

supply of projector.                                                   

                    e) Parish Clerk                            Cllrs Spence and Ellis to contact a possible




8.       County Councillor’s Report:      Kex Gill is to be closed for resurfacing before Easter, the

new road target date is still 2020/21.



9.       District Councillor’s Report:      It will be September/October before the report on the

Inspector’s finding will be published. There is a 3% increase in council

tax. Garden waste collection commences in March. Surplus bedding

plants are available to purchase.

10.     Planning Matters:           


          18/04990/FUL                                       Approved Subject to Conditions

          Demolition of two storey extension, erection of single and two storey extension,

alterations to fenestration, installation of gate at Leckhampton House, Hill Top Lane

(Mr M Walsh).



18/04060/FUL                                       Application Withdrawn

Formation of access, installation of 32 freestanding solar panels at Snell House Farm, Otley

Road, Beckwithshaw (Mr R Fearnley).




Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of Planning Permission 17/01294/FULMAJ

to allow for alterations to approved plans at Moor Park Estate, Beckwithshaw (Mr J Clay)


Cllr Ms Barovic declared a pecuniary interest and this item was discussed at the end of the meeting after Cllr Ms Barovic had left the premises.


The Parish Council has no objections.





11.   LDF Update:             The report on the Inspectors findings should be available later in the



12.   Highways:      Several potholes have been reported online to NYCC, acknowledgements received but no action taken (does not meet the Council’s criteria for action).

                              Resurfacing work has commenced on the B6162 Otley Road, causing great disruption to the traffic flow.


13.  Finance:                             

a)       The bank balances at 14 March 2019 were reported to the Parish Council:


                    Community Account                                                            3,109.14

                    Money Manager (Deposit Account)                                      1,431.82


                    Approval required and Cheque signed for

                    Clerk’s expenses        £117.54     Approved and signed.


          Prior Approval for the items listed below, to enable inclusion in 2018/19 Finances:-


                    Clerk’s Salary                    Approx          £353.60

                    Clerk’s Tax                       Approx            £88.40

                    Village Hall fees                                    £275.00

                    Website Hosting Fee                               £80.00

                    Payroll fees                       Approx            £72.00


The prior approval for payment of these 5 items was proposed by Cllr Ellis and seconded by Cllr Spence.


14.  Correspondence:     


i)       NYCC                     Confirmation of Footpath Diversion at Higher Shaw Farm.

ii)     Newsletters and e-mails forwarded to councillors.


15.  Update on the Copse:         Current specification for grass cutting the verge at the Shaw Lane junction is for 10 cuts during the growing season.


16. Councillors Questions:        Cllr Lora Barovic announced her resignation from the Parish Council.


17. Date & Time of next meetings:       Thursday 11 April 2019 at 7.45pm with Open Meeting

and     Thursday 16 May 2019 at 7.45pm with AGM (Please note change of date         



The meeting closed at 9.40pm



Please check the website for further information – www.beckwithshaw.org












Review Signage

Cllr Spence


New funding re Broadband, continuous

Cllr Muirhead and



Knabbs Ridge funding



Emergency Plan Revision

Sub Committee meeting


Projector Sourcing

Cllrs Ellis and David