MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON Thursday 29 November 2018


Location:     Beckwithshaw Village Hall


Present:         Councillors – Cllr D Spence, Cllr A Ellis, Cllr T Muirhead, Cllr Mrs J Ryder, Cllr S Lumley and Cllr Miss V Oldham.


Parish Clerk – Mrs J H Galloway.


                    4 Members of the public were present.


1.       Apologies:   Cllr Ms L Barovic.


2.       Declaration of Interest:    None.


3.       Exempt Information:       Item 17 of this meeting will be held in exempt session

as it concerns information relating (to an (individual) (to individuals) under

paragraphs 1, 2 & 3 of schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972

as amended. Therefore the public will be excluded from this part of the

                              meeting due to the sensitive nature of the item under discussion. Exempt

Information will be kept separate and will not be released for Public scrutiny.


4.       Minutes of the meeting held on 9 October 2018.


Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 9 October 2018 was proposed by Cllr Muirhead and seconded by Cllr Ellis.


5.       Matters arising not dealt with elsewhere:      The Parish Council to look into projection

type equipment to assist with paperless planning consultations.


6.       Traffic Working Party Report:    Waiting for a response from County and Borough about

a 20mph restriction. Parish Councils to be allowed to purchase flashing speed signs,

apply to Knabbs Ridge for funding.

A second banner to be purchased (Donation towards cost has been received) –

Wording – “Keep Your Speed Down” with children symbols, Parish Council agreed.


7.         Urgent Business:  

                    a) Vacancy:   See item 17 for discussion.


b) Contribution to Traffic Survey for Local Plan Challenge:


3 Donations totalling £70.00 have been received to contribute towards the



c) Emergency Plan:           Ongoing.


                    d) Litter Pick:                     Took place on Saturday 10 November with 13

volunteers, collecting 19 bags of rubbish, plus 2 car wheels, 4

car parts and a paddling pool.



8.       County Councillor’s Report:      Kex Gill is to be opened before Christmas and the final

resurfacing to be done in the spring. The new road, 3 lanes on the steep

incline, with altered junction at the Church is due to be in place early 2021.

                    The County is prepared for winter weather.

                    New contact for no 6 area highways – Sarah Bailey.



9.       District Councillor’s Report:      Garden waste collection has been suspended until the


                              To qualify for funding from the Harrogate Lottery,

interested parties need to register.

                              Business support can be obtained from Harrogate

Borough Council.


10.     Planning Matters:           


18/01982/FUL              Refused

Demolition of existing buildings, erection of 4 dwellings with associated gardens at Willow Trees, Howhill Road, Beckwithshaw. (Mr J Clay)

18/03379/DVCMAJ      Approved Subject to Conditions

Part variation of Condition 11 (Offsite Highways Works) of Planning Permission 17/00094/OUTMAJ to allow rewording of condition at Beckwith Head Road (Beckwith Knowle Developments Ltd)



An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State against Harrogate Borough Council’s refusal of planning permission for the erection of 1 dwelling with access considered at Howhill, Howhill Quarry Road. (Mr & Mrs J Dutton)


An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State against Harrogate Borough Council’s refusal of planning permission to erect one dwelling, for use as a holiday let, with associated private drainage system at Former Saw Mill, Howhill Quarry Road, Beckwithshaw (Mr Robinson)



Formation of access, installation of 32 freestanding solar panels at Snell House Farm, Otley Road, Beckwithshaw (Mr R Fearnley) Prior Consultation – Parish Council has no objections.


11.   LDF Update:             7 December is the deadline for input to the Inspector. The Groups aim

is to work towards a solution for transport within the Plan.



12.   Highways:      Waterworks through the village 4 weeks from 19 November. Ask highways about yellow post at Haverah Park Entrance.






13.  Finance:                             

a)       The bank balances at 29 November 2018 were reported to the Parish Council:


                    Community Account                                                            4,060.14

                    Money Manager (Deposit Account)                                      1,430.88



                    Balance includes £20.00 towards cost of a banner and 3 donations totalling £75

                    for the traffic study.


                    Invoice from Simon Crossley Landscapes Ltd  - 4 cuts £264.00

                    Approved for payment.


                    Precept request is being prepared.


14.  Correspondence:     


i)       HBC                       No request for an election , therefore a co-option to the Parish

Council can be made.

ii)     HBC                       Invitation to set up a Customer Account.

iii)    Newsletters and e-mails forwarded to councillors.




15.  Update on the Copse:         None.



16. Councillors Questions:        Emergency Plane. Set up a sub committee of councillors and public.


17. Exempt Session – Vacancy:


All members of the Public left the meeting. Exempt information minutes will be kept

Separate and will not be released for public scrutiny.




18. Date & Time of next meetings:       Thursday 10 January 2019 at 7.45pm

                                                  and     Thursday 14 February 2019 at 7.45pm

                                                  and     Thursday 14 March 2019 at 7.45pm

                                                  and     Thursday 11 April 2019 at 7.45pm with Open Meeting

                                                  and     Thursday 9 May 2019 at 7.45pm with AGM  



The meeting closed at 9.20pm



Please check the website for further information – www.beckwithshaw.org














Review Signage

Cllr Spence


New funding re Broadband, continuous

Cllr Muirhead

Cllr Ellis


Knabbs Ridge funding



Emergency Plan Revision

Sub Committee


Projector Cost

Cllr Ellis


County Councillors funding for projector
