Location:     Commencing in the Copse then continuing in the Village Hall, Beckwithshaw.


Present:         Councillors – Cllr M Nicholson (Chairman), Cllr T Muirhead, Cllr A Ellis, Cllr Mrs J Ryder, Cllr Ms L Barovic and Cllr Miss V Oldham.


Parish Clerk – Mrs J H Galloway


                    3 Members of the public were present.


Before the meeting a presentation was given by a Gladman Development about the proposed mixed site at Beckwith Head Road/Whinney Lane, Beckwithshaw. They then left the meeting.


          The meeting then continued at 8.15pm.


1.       Apologies:   Cllr D Spence and Cllr S Lumley.



2.       Declaration of Interest:    Cllr M Nicholson declared a pecuniary interest in item 10 a),

Planning Application 18/01982. This item was discussed after Cllr Nicholson had left at the end of the meeting.



3.       Exempt Information:       Item 17 of this meeting will be held in exempt session

as it concerns information relating (to an (individual) (to individuals) under

paragraphs 1, 2 & 3 of schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972

as amended. Therefore the public will be excluded from this part of the

                              meeting due to the sensitive nature of the item under discussion. Exempt

Information will be kept separate and will not be released for Public scrutiny.



4.       Minutes of the meetings held in May 2018:


Approval of the Minutes of the AGM held on 8 May 2018 was proposed by Cllr Nicholson and seconded by Cllr Mrs Ryder.


Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 8 May 2018 was proposed by Cllr Mrs Ryder and seconded by Cllr Ellis.


Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 25 May 2018 was proposed

by Cllr Muirhead and seconded by Cllr Nicholson.


5.       Matters arising not dealt with elsewhere:  See summary of actions required.




6.       Traffic Working Party Report:             


North Yorkshire County Council have asked where the Parish Council would like the Data Logger positioned.  North Yorkshire Police at York to be asked about a speed cop to visit the village.


7.         Urgent Business:   It was proposed by Cllr Nicholson and seconded by Cllr Muirhead that

Cllr Spence be appointed as the Data Protection Officer for the Parish



                                        Emergency Plan. A new draft plan has been received and is in the

process of being checked.


Chairman to write to Mr M Clark and Mrs K Wilson.



8.       County Councillor’s Report:      Cllr Lumley to be asked at the next meeting about the

consultation meeting on policies etc.



9.       District Councillor’s Report:      Cllr Miss Oldham gave a detailed report on the effects

of the Kex Gill Road Closure.


10.     Planning Matters:



            a)       18/01982/FUL

Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 4 dwellings with associated garages

at Willow Trees, Howhill Road, Beckwithshaw (Mr J Clay)


Cllr Nicholson declared a pecuniary interest and this item was discussed at the end of the meeting after Cllr Nicholson had left the premises.


The Parish Council has no objections.


b)       18/02102/SCOPE

          Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping opinion for proposed mixed use

development to include up to 500 dwellings, land for employment purposes,

a local retail centre and public open space including allotments, children’s play

areas and recreational routes, landscaping and sustainable urban drainage

systems at Land Comprising Field at E428397 N453291 Beckwith Head Road,

(Gladman Developments)



The Parish Council does not object to or support the application but wishes to make comments or seek safeguards as set out below:-

Can this development, with all the other developments in this area, be grouped together (ie like a small town) when considering the environmental impact and infrastructure, especially highways and transport which is the main concern of the Parish Council.




11.   LDF Update:             Cllr Ellis to liaise with Michael Clark about the Local District Plan.


12.   Highways:      The flooding at the entrance to Haverah Park opposite the cricket club has now been dealt with.


                              If photos of “turned signs” and any other highways items could be sent to the clerk to reinforce reporting to the Highways Section.


                              Harrogate Borough Council has not yet collected the street sign that needs




13.  Finance:                             

a)       The bank balances at 12 June 2018 were reported to the Parish Council:


                    Community Account                                                            3,806.38

                    Money Manager (Deposit Account)                                      1,430.04



          Proir approval was given by the Parish Council to pay the clerk’s June quarter salary and

tax.  Proposed by Cllr Ellis and seconded by Cllr Nicholson.



14.  Correspondence:     


i)       Letter from T P Jones regarding the Data Protection Regulations – a new Letter of

Engagement to follow for signature.

ii)     Newsletters and e-mails forwarded to councillors.


15.  Update on the Copse:         

Strimming the grasses, trimming the canopy and trunks of the Lime trees is required. A working Party to be formed..

                              Grass cutting of the verge has been commenced.


16. Councillors Questions:        None.


17. Exempt Session – Clerks Salary:


All members of the Public left the meeting. Exempt information minutes will be kept

Separate and will not be released for public scrutiny.



          Cllr Nicholson left the meeting to enable planning application 18/01982 to be discussed.





18. Date & Time of next meetings:       Tuesday 17 July 2018 at 7.45pm

                                                  and     Tuesday 11 September 2018 at 7.45pm

                                                  and     Tuesday 9 October 2018 at 7.45pm

                                                  and     Tuesday 13 November 2018 at 7.45pm

                                                  and     Tuesday 8 January 2019 at 7.45pm

                                                  and     Tuesday 12 February 2019 at 7.45pm

                                                  and     Tuesday 12 March 2019 at 7.45pm

                                                  and     Tuesday 9 April 2019 at 7.45pm with Open Meeting

                                                  and     Tuesday 14 May 2019 at 7.45pm with AGM  



The meeting closed at 9.35pm



Please check the website for further information – www.beckwithshaw.org













Review Signage

Cllr Nicholson

Cllr Spence


Photos for website

All - July Meeting


New funding re Broadband, continuous

Cllr Muirhead

Cllr Ellis


Knabbs Ridge funding



County Councillors funding

Cllr Nicholson to re-apply


Copse Working Party to be arranged

Cllrs Nicholson

Ellis, Spence and



Emergency Plan Revision
